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Stress management

When we feel that we do not have control over our situation, stress starts creeping up on us. Stress is the body's way of signaling that something is wrong. It is important that you learn to listen to your body's signals. The stress and strain we voluntarily accept or take on, wear less than that which occurs involuntarily due to factors we can not control.

A certain level of stress affects everyone and it is not harmful, but raised stress levels for any length of time can be unhealthy. The faster we drive, the faster we consume the fuel and the more we wear on the engine. So there is a difference between whether I voluntarily accelerate to go faster towards my target or if the accelerator freezes and I lose control.

Stress is an alarm condition in the body. In the Stone Age stress was man's way of preparing our body for a fight or flight. This was two appropriate reaction patterns in the Stone Age and they remains in us today. The problem for modern man is that whereas we instinctively would like to take up the struggle and fight, we must repress that desire.

The negative stress is more uncontrollable and we get an uneasy feeling that is hard to handle. We become less effective and lose our motivation if we are exposed to negative stress for a longer period. The negative stress creates anxiety, agitation, depressed mood and feelings of hopelessness. At worst it can lead to reactive patterns and learned helplessness so that we end up in a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of.

The body is built for interaction between relaxation and tension, both mental and physical. The way our society looks like today it is psychological stress that dominates. The symptoms of psychological stress is often developed because we are not able to find an outlet to get rid of our tension and to be able to relax. The continuous mental tension that many have in their lives (both work and private), are hard on our physical reserves. This will eventually give both physical and psychological symptoms, if we do not listen to ourselves in time.





Stress has been given a certain status in our society. It is often perceived as a sign that one is indispensable and in demand when you can show off a busy schedule. We like to feel important and therefore we are also better with positive stress as long as we experience it as positive.

Conscious Enlightenment has various tools and methods to provide insight and coping strategies to manage negative stress.

As long as we have a good balance between tension and relaxation we manage the natural moments of stress that we always have around us. High demands in combination with power and influence gives great stimulation and is therefore called positive or happy stress. We get new energy as we feel that we have influence, self-control and receives appreciation for what we do.
Conscious Enlightenment can help you manage the negative stress so that the good human spiral is reinforced.